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Little Kiss
We Got A Sweet Kiss From Kagoshima?
Date:23, Jul, 2023
Investigated and Written by Misaka Youhei
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Hello. I'm here talking about Little Kiss today. That is the shochu with tea or coffee flavor, brewed and produced by Higashi Brewery in Kagoshima. Maybe you feel something sexy by the name, but I can promise they give you nothing sexual. Take it easy.

Little Kiss (With Tea)

Alcohol: 14
Price: 960 yen ( without tax ) for the 720 ml
Made from Rice Shochu, Sugar, Tea, Perfume, Black Sake

Little Kiss originally appeared as the shochu with chocolate flavor in the middle of 2010's. However, it seems that few loved the product. No hit. Then it silently disappeared and came up again as the shochu with tea or coffee flavor in 2017 or 2018. And why did they name it Little Kiss? Shochu consists of sho and chu. Sho means Little and chu does Kissing in Japanese language. It means that the Little Kiss came from the brewers' playing on words.

Why did they produce such sweet shochu? In Japan, they say youngsters hardly drink sake in their life. I don't know what they are really, but I guess the number of domestic drinkers must surely be on the decrease since the whole population of Japan is also. So sake brewers must interest those who seldom drink if they desire to grow up more. Then they produced this sweet shochu for fishing those who love tea or coffee, my personal opinion says.

Higashi Brewery Official Website (Japanese)


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