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Asahi the Brown Sugar Shochu
The Genuine Shochu from Kikaishima Island
Date:16, Oct, 2012
Investigated and Written by Misaka Youhei
About our introductory articles

What do you take to your heart when you are getting shochu? Ingredients? Brand name? Or volume?

Whatever, it is all down to you. However, truly delicious shochu owns a thick quality utilizing characters of ingredients at the maximum. It can no longer be tasteless and odorless as often said like it is easy to drink and very soft. The real shochu is delicious even when you have with hot water or warm it, not only on the rocks.

Volume: 1800 ml
Alcohol: 30
Made from rice-malt
and brown sugar
Distilling System:
Atmospheric Distillation
Price: Open Price
Based on the fact, we can hardly deny that Asahi the brown sugar shochu brewed by Asahi Sake Brewing Co., Ltd. is all the more delicious brown sugar shochu.

They can brew brown sugar shochu only in Amami islands; Amami-Ohshima, Kikaishima Island, Tokunoshima Island, Okinoerabujima Island, Yoronjima Island. Brown sugar shochu is traditional distilled liquor in the five islands. Asahi is brewed in Kikaishima Island. The place was formed when coral reefs rose. That means it is almost limestone and then natural water in the island includes a lot of minerals.

And as the name is brown sugar shochu, it is natural that they use brown sugar for brewing. They have cultivate non-chemical and organic sugarcane by themselves and particularly used brown sugar from it.

Asahi Sake Brewing Co., Ltd. has brewed Asahi from the water and the brown sugar, and rice-malt from Indica rice. That tastes pretty stout before bringing a bit of mellow touch. Having Asahi with hot water, you can have some warm and comfortable feelings even if it was in winter.


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