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A Good Woman Produced by a Female Chief Brewer
Date:24, Oct, 2012
Investigated and Written by Misaka Youhei
About our introductory articles

In Heisei Era, many females have taken part in various areas of Japanese society, which they have called areas of males. Brewing field is not excepted from.

Mukai Brewery is old-established as has brewed since 1754, in Kyoto. Their Tohji, it means the chief brewer at a sake brewery, is Choukeiji Kuniko, formerly Mukai. She finished the course of the Zymurgy department of Tokyo Univ. of Agriculture and at once started brewing as a chief brewer at Mukai Brewery.

Kyo-no Haru Eenyobo

Volume: 720 ml
Made from Rice-malt
and Rice
Sake meter value: +3
Alcohol: 15
Rice-polishing ratio: 60 %
Acidity: 1.9
Price: 1,890 yen (tax in.)

Though she completed the course of the Zymurgy department, she became a chief brewer when she had not been even a brewer. That was also by intention of herself and her predecessor, also her father. Looking absurd, it might be in the running. And Kuniko exactly met the expectation. Now she has got married and managed Mukai Brewery with her family.

The brewery has produced a junmai ginjo-shu, Eenyobo, made from only rice and rice-malt. Eenyobo means a good woman or a good-natured and resourceful woman in Tango area. As it is true to its name, you can nestle into the taste. They say great sake is made from great rice. Eenyobo is made from Gohyakumangoku, a representative of the rice suitable for brewing Japanese sake.

Well-made junmai syu and junmai ginjo-shu are suitable for drinking warmed for real. They often hate warmed sake because of smelling bad. However, it would be in the case of not well-made sake or cheap average sake called Futsu-shu in Japanese. Well-made sake made from just rice and rice-malt gets warmed and then it tastes clearer and more delicious. Have hot Eenyobo and you know its true value. You would be caught into the sake.

By the way, there are various kinds of warmed sake called kan-zake. Recommended is to drink Eenyobo by Hitohada-kan or Nuru-kan, it means about thirty-five to forty degrees.

Mukai Brewery since 1754
 Address: 67, Hirata, Ine-cho, Yosa-gun, Kyoto
 TEL: +81-772-32-0003
 Official Site:Mukai Brewery (Japanese)


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