Hello. I'm talking about Nekomata Shochu here. What is it? You can find the Chiyomusubi brewery in Sakai-minato city, Tottori. They were established in 1865. And no other breweries in the city, they say. One of their rice shochu products is the Nekomata Shochu.
Nekomata Shochu
Contain: 1,800 ml
Alcohol: 25
Atmospheric Distillation
Made from Malted Rice (Yellow), Rice Produced in Tottori
Have you ever heard Nekomata? I suppose your answer is (mostly) no. Then I would tell you what Nekomata is. Nekomata is the supernatural monster in Japanese folklore. They look like cats with two tails. Neko means cat in Japanese language. “Cats get old and then, become Nekomata leading you astray.” said Arai Hakuseki; the Japanese popular scholar-bureaucrat in Edo era.
Nekomata Statue at Sakai-minato
File: Mizuki-Nekomata.JPG
from the Japanese Wikipedia
(Photoed on August 12, 2009)
They use rice produced in Tottori and natural spring water of the mountain for brewing. But Nekomata Shochu belongs to their private brand and then, it is not introduced on their official website. It means that we have no way to know if they are producing it now or not. So we can say the shochu is so rare just like Nekomata. When you find it at some store, you are so lucky.