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Ohba Ransels
Why Need We Have Decent Ransels?
Date:30, Jun, 2017
Investigated and Written by Misaka Youhei
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Ohba Ransel is a ransel brand of Ohba Seiho who have produced decent leather bags in Senju, Tokyo since 1935. In the Imperial Household, they use a medicine chest made by Ohba Seiho. If you are becoming poor, their ransels can be on the list of your choice though theirs aren't cheap.

Why need we have their ransels for our children? First of all, give me just a while to talk about the meaning of having the ones.

Ohba x Kodomo Beams Special Ransel 2018
Weight: 1.320 g
Price: 69,120 YEN (tax in)

In Japan, most of elementary school students must have ransels for carrying their things. In other words, most Japanese parents need to have ransels for their children.

Lately, the rich have been on the decrease in Japan. Strictly speaking, most of the domestic middle class have slowly been poorer.

The stream itself won't stop. No reason to stop. Our government and most of Japanese people have supported the tendency. I guess we can do nothing but just accept the fact.

Then, naturally, children have also been on the decrease since it means the increase of the families that cannot well raise the expense of bringing up their children. Money for getting a ransel is within the expense of bringing up their children. Today, in most of cases, it is wiser not to select "buying" a ransel. If parents give their children old ransels that used to be the parents', they don't have to buy new ones. The solidity of ransels becomes a key, therefore, when you choose a one.

I believe that "Ohba Ransel" should be selected under that concept. Theirs are expensive indeed. Reasonable is that, however. Theirs are sewn by hands of artisans and moreover, they use genuine materials like cordovan. Decent durability goes to their ransels, therefore. You can feel easy in their after-sale service, because they are an old maker since 1935.

In ransels, there's no trend surprisingly. So I guess their ones are good if you are giving it to your children and grandchildren.

Ohba x Kodomo Beams Special Ransel 2018
Weight: 1.320 g
Price: 69,120 YEN (tax in)

By the way, in my opinion, it is not bad to have a decent one in childhood. I believe it becomes a part of your property that you experience and know what is decent by your bodies.

In every field, there are the makers and the receivers. If fall off the receivers who know what is good, the makers will also decay. The good makers cannot be without the receivers who know what is good. Everybody is a receiver in the beginning. I believe that having a good ransel is a first step for supporting good ransels. How?


・Name: OHBA Co., Ltd.
・Address: 〒120-0034 4-2-2, Senju, Adachi-ku, Tokyo
・Telephone: +81-3-3881-1191
・Foundation: 1935
・Official Site: Ohba (Japanese)


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