Broadly divided, there are 2 types of manga in Japan. Shonen manga (Boys' comics) and Shoji manga (Ladies' comics). I don't know how it is in other nations, Japanese people almost have read manga regardless of sex. You can easily find Shojo manga magazines at Japan's bookstores, although nobody knows how it will be there in future. Glass Mask is one of Japanese popular Shojo manga. Miuchi Suzue first wrote and released it in the end of 1975, it got a lot of popularity.
I believe it is pretty difficult to talk about Japanese Shojo manga history without mentioning about Glass Mask. It's got popularity so much as I guess so. They have totally run over 50 million copies for the comics, said they in 2014. And it started in the middle of 1970's as mentioned above, does not finish yet in the present time (2022 February). The volume 49 appeared in 2012, but Miuchi's released nothing in this decade. There are its big fans over Japan, they madly cried for the sequel. And sadly, no stories have come from the author.
What is the Glass Mask story? Simply saying, it is the bildungsroman of its main role Kitajima Maya. She firstly appeared as a common teenage girl living in Kanagawa, Japan. She was crazy about dramatic art. One day, Tsukikage Chigusa found Maya's great talent for a theatrical performance. She would be the greatest actress someday. In those days, Chigusa was well-known as a very talented actress. Chigusa became Maya's mentor, Maya stepped up to a wonderful actress.
What does the Glass Mask mean? Reading the manga will teach you what it is. And I wonder when it can finish? Can the author bring the ending the fans can be satisfied with? She is in her 70's now. How will it be? Coming soon? No one knows.