The Memory Breaker
Suspense by Kobayashi Yasumi
"The Memory Breaker" is a 2015 suspense novel written by Kobayashi Yasumi. He is a Japanese author famous for some of his works like ""The Man Who Watched the Sea."
Now, let me tell you what its story is. The main male character woke up in an unfamiliar room. He found a notebook under his very nose. It told him that he was suffering from anterograde amnesia. Namely, his memories could hold for only an hour or so.
One more surprise was on the notebook. He was fighting with a male murderer. The bloodthirsty killer touched someone else and could tamper the memories by his supernatural power.
Naturally, nobody had reason to know he was a mad murderer. How should he do against the strong enemy?
A notebook is the main character's last resort. Moreover, he often loses his memories along the way to kicking the murderer. I promise you'll be surprised at the last scene.
There are many violence scenes like murdering and raping. If you were poor at these, it is better you don't read.
About The Memory Breaker
・Written by Kobayashi Yasumi
・Published by Gento-sha (2015)
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