The Bridge between Spriggan & Arms
"Kyo" is a Japanese manga written by Minagawa Ryoji in collaboration with Takashige Hiroshi. It started in 1995 spring and ended in 1996 spring. Then, even if you are in ignorance of the two, I believe that you can enjoy the manga comfortably like reading a short story.
Some might enumerate "Spriggan" or "Arms" as Minagawa's representative works. I don't deny. Thinking about the popularity, I know it is reasonable. But I'd like to list "Kyo." Why? I am telling you.
First of all, let me talk about what Minagawa Ryoji is. He's a Japanese manga artist who debuted in 1988. Next year, 1989, he started his virgin series "Spriggan" in collaboration with Takashige Hiroshi. It got popular and continued until 1996. Next year, 1997, he began his new series "Arms" in collaboration with Nanatsuki Kyo-ichi.
In collaboration with Takashige Hiroshi, he also stared "Kyo" in 1995 running parallel to the latter part of "Spriggan." I believe the "Kyo" worked as a bridge between "Spriggan" and "Arms." Then, reading the "Kyo" first will be a good entrance of Minagawa Ryoji.
Why do I believe so? you must wonder. The theme of "Arms" is "how do you deal with the great power?" It was, I believe, included a little in "Spriggan." What made it amplify? The answer is the "Kyo."
The last episode of "Kyo" suggests a question before us. When you have the great power, how will you do? The power is, in other words, the highest ability. They seriously asked the readers, boys without a compromise. The question is very important to those who are becoming adults someday. Minagawa handed it over to the "Arms."
About Kyo
・Illustrated by Minagawa Roji
・Co-operated by Takashige Hiroshi
・Published by Shogakukan
・Period: 1995 Feb. to 1996 Feb.
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