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Naomi –A Fool’s Love–
You Know, Love is Like Water or Something
Date:09, Sep, 2014
Investigated and Written by Misaka Youhei
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Love is water, since everyone has each shape of love, like every container owns each shape of water. From “Naomi –A Fool’s Love–” written by Tanizaki Junichiro, you can get it.

The story begins by remembrance of a man. An electrical engineer of 28 years old had lived alone. He had gone around with no women at all and was naturally not married. He didn’t have behavior to mend because he had worked so seriously and owned certain level of possessions. About his marriage, the man had had an ambition. He longed to educate his favorite little girl into his ideal woman and then, wanted to marry her in deep love.

To cut a long story short, the man desired to play “My Fair Lady.” One day, he got a chance. He met a beautiful girl in the middle of teen age. She was Naomi, who looked nice but was so poor. Somehow the man took Naomi in and got to live together at a Western style house. They didn’t sleep together and were not in sexual terms. He was madly burning with high hopes to grow her up ideally.

Nobody is able to control other minds with only longing, however. Naomi was just a young girl and only a human, not a doll carried by a flow of somebody’s desire. Surely, she splendidly became a real lady. But she was never chaste. The man got to know she had screwed with many unknown guys behind his numberless cares. Jealousy and rage made him force Naomi out from their house. Then, the sad man tried to forget that beautiful girl desperately, but…

You can get the ending and details by reading “Naomi –A Fool’s Love–.” I know you will see that is not a sorrowful tale about a wicked woman or an unfortunate man. It must tell you a fool’s love. Love is like water. You might feel kind of misery. But it tastes filled with happiness. Now, “Naomi –A Fool’s Love–” is the love story in the happiest mood.

about Naomi -A Fool's Love-

・Written by Tanizaki Junichiro
・Published by Shincho-sha (1947)


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