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To The Sea
Ticket to the Sea of Childhood
Date:26, Oct, 2016
Investigated and Written by Misaka Youhei
About our introductory articles

"To The Sea" is a 1980 juvenile novel written by a Japanese male author, Nasu Masamoto. He is very well-known for his representative juvenile works "Zukkoke San-ningumi" series which have totally sold over 20 million copies inside Japan.

Please don't think like this. "That is only a juvenile novel. I am not a child and then, don't need to read at all." Wrong is this idea.

Good juvenile ones are often giving excitement to not just children but also adult persons. There were no adults who have never spent childhood. By reading fine novels for children, we can always get back in childhood without nostalgia.

The story's main characters are Japanese sixth grade elementary students. Between them, there are clearly disparities about their family ground and wisdom. They get to build up a ship in order to sail to the sea for a reason...

People are trying to behave themselves like adults all the time after they came of age, which sometimes becomes a heavy load.

Why don't you take it off and sail to the sea of childhood with this juvenile novel in a private time?

About To The Sea

・Written by Nasu Masamoto
・Published by Kaisei-sha (1980)


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