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Sarashina Nikki
A Prisoner of Fantasy?
Date:10, Jun, 2018
Investigated and Written by Misaka Youhei
About our introductory articles

Hello, everyone. I'm so glad that you are here with me. Today I'm talking about "Sarashina Nikki," a Japanese classical essay by Sugawara-no Takasue's Daughter in Heian era.

There's no way to know her name. They used to hide their true names at the time because they really believed to be cursed by somebody if the names had been open. Not by any sexual discrimination.

Sugawara-no Takasue's

FILE: Sugawara no Takasue
no musume.jpg
from the Japanese Wikipedia
(Photoed on Nov. 1, 2008)

What does it contain? She was a noblewoman and wrote about her whole life when she was over 50 years old.

It tells you that she was a kind of Otaku women. In her childhood, she was very fond of the Tale of Genji, a masterpiece of Japanese classical stories. There was no printing technology like the presence, it was quiet difficult for her to read the actual books. Some of her families told her how it was. But she couldn't get what it really was just by oral instruction. Is the Tale of Genji a ghost story? Or science fiction? The girl was lost, which made her pray to Buddha. Someday let me read all of the stories!

Her desire was just overflowing like a hot spring in Japan, she carved an image of Buddha somehow. Passion sometimes makes us do weird. Finally, her dreams came true, she was given all of the stories.

In the essay, we can find her tweeting like "why was I so unbelievable?" The woman was, I believe, very cute and lovable! Some women might think "If I was there with her, I would like to strike up a friendship with her."

Today, we have countless Otaku girls, female prisoners of fantasy. Some love the Harry Potter, others are fascinated by the Black Butler. I don't mean that I am saying anything to them. I guess Sugawara-no Takasue's Daughter must have been the forerunner of the girls.

She was very fond of fantasy. "Sarashina Nikki" is her reminiscences. Past is a kind of fantasy, isn't it?

About Sarashina Nikki

・Written by Sugawara-no Takasue's Daughter
・Established in 1060 (about)


Read the Essay, All Guys?

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