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Glory of Team Batista
Appearance of the Great Medical Detective
Date:28, Sep, 2014
Investigated and Written by Misaka Youhei
About our introductory articles

Shiratori Keisuke is a great detective man who first appears in “Glory of Team Batista.” That is a bestselling mystery novel written by Kaido Takeru.

Now, Shiratori is neither a private eye nor a police man. Cases don’t always go on under control of the police and legal circles. He belongs to Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare and challenges difficult affairs which happen at medical facilities.

He, however, is not a member of an elite because Shiratori is so-called a dead wood or a problem. Anyhow, sarcastic is he. You won’t find Shiratori Keisuke worry about someone else, as some have beaten him at first sight. Taguchi Kohei, Shiratori’s buddy, is a doctor who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of disorders of the nervous system, and compares Shiratori to a cockroach. On the other hand, Shiratori is called “Logical Monster” since he always thinks a great deal of logical thinking and misses no doubts and no enigmas.

Shiratori is not the one who doesn’t have nerves. His actions are often based on psychology and he attacks you in your unguarded moment. Moreover, his insensitive motions only because he has strong belief that is not rocked by any social convenience. Then, Taguchi can’t ignore Shiratori after all.

As mentioned above, “Glory of Team Batista” means the first footmark of Shiratori. Team Batista is a group of several doctors known for their success in Batista Operation. Lately, some have died under their knives mysteriously. The team belongs to a hospital Taguchi works at. Shiratori appears there for working out the medical puzzle.

By the way, when they made a movie of “Glory of Team Batista,” Shiratori was played by Abe Hiroshi who has also performed at “The Man Who Can't Get Married” and “Trick.” I wonder why his well-suited role is a man who drives somebody nuts…

about Glory of Team Batista

・Written by Kaido Takeru
・Published by Takarajima (2006)


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