“Weekly Bunshun” is a weekly magazine published by Bungeishunju since 1959 April. As the company has often argued about freedom of expression, their motto says should give you pieces of news that never appear on TV or newspaper.
You can easily find the magazine at stores because the cover picture has been designed and illustrated by Wada Makoto since 1977. According to Japan Magazine Publishers Association, its circulation was 684,750. (2015 April to 2015 June) Basically, every Thursday it is on sale.
Weekly Bunshun April 2, 2015
Various kinds of gossip have been there. One of the popular articles in their career must be a scandal about Gushiken Yoko they reported in 1982. By the way, he retired in 1981.
“Weekly Bunshun” reported Gushiken Yoko had held the title of WBA Light Flyweight champion 1976-1981 because the then president of Kyoei Gym Gushiken had belonged to administered some cathartics to his opposites. The president denied. But it became clear that he was guilty by research of Japan Boxing Commission.
In 2014 February, “Weekly Bunshun” reported ghostwriting admission by Samuragochi Mamoru.
Proverbial is their ability for disclosing scandals about young stars that belong to AKB48 or Johnny & Associates. In 1999, they reported it was suspected Johnny Kitagawa, the president of Johnny & Associates, made sexual harassment of the youth in his employ. They were the first major media which covered that news.
Weekly Bunshun July 30, 2015
Sometimes the weekly magazine shows us pride of mass media.