First of all, I must say that I have never been to Izumo-taisha (the Japanese popular shrine in Shimane). Have you ever? We are hard to go on an outing for Covid-19 today. The strange virus makes me more distant from the shrine. You may be lucky if you have a chance to visit under this pandemic.
Anyway, all I'd like to say is that I can't write down the reportage since I have never been. Then what must be written? Let me talk about what it is. Izumo-taisha is the Japanese popular shrine in Shimane, Japan. They say it is so old as no one knows when it was established. It had been called Kizuki-taisha until the Meiji era.
The Kagura-den of Izumo-taisha
File: Izumo Taisha IMG 20161020 105432.jpg
from the Japanese Wikipedia
(Photoed on October 20, 2016)
No one doubts that the most popular attraction of the shrine is their huge Shimenawa (straw festoon) suspended in the Kagura-den. Look above. The length is over 13 meter, the weight is over 5 ton. It is said many visitors take photos with their smartphones or their favorite digital cameras in front of the Kagura-den. Reasonable. It looks so strange and unnatural. It seems that the present generation almost cannot help taking a photo when they find a huge strange thing. If Godzilla suddenly appears before them, they must whip out their smartphones and photograph. I'll bet.
The Main Hall of Izumo-taisha
File: Izumo-taisha11n4592.jpg
from the Japanese Wikipedia
(Photoed on July 19, 2008)