I'm talking about Hiroshima Flower Festival here now. It is the Japanese large-scale festival held in Hiroshima every May 3 to 5. They say that they first held it in 1977, it attracted over 1.2 million people. And they have held it every year at Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park.
2011 Hiroshima Flower Festival
File: Hiroshima FF 2011.JPG
from the Japanese Wikipedia
(Photoed on May 5, 2011)
2005 Hiroshima Flower Festival
File: FF2005 hana no to.JPG
from the Japanese Wikipedia
(Photoed on May 4, 2005)
As you know, the United States dropped the atomic bomb "Little Boy" onto Hiroshima in 1945 summer. It killed over 110 thousand noncombatants at the time, and deeply damaged numberless ones. Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park was made in 1950's for the tragedy.
Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park
File: Cenotaph Hiroshima.jpg
from the Japanese Wikipedia
(Photoed on April 5, 2006)
And Hiroshima Flower Festival is no directly connected with the tragedy. No peace movement made the festival. Then why did they begin to hold it? Just longing to go on the spree. It first appeared in 1977 as mentioned above. It looks that the 32 years from 1945 turned down the volume of their requiem. What does the festival mean? Weathering of the tragedy, probably.