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Furano Ninjin 100
Taste Carrots without Sugar or Artificial Coloring
Date:07, Nov, 2012
Investigated and Written by Misaka Youhei
About our introductory articles

The older everybody gets, the more solicitous about health and good figures they cannot help being. And little by little, they want to have a drink good for them.

Furano Ninjin 100
Concentrated Carrots
Lemon Juice under 3%
Price: Open
What on earth is the drink good for you? Most will answer that it should be vegetable juice. Well, they say carrots are better for you than other kinds of vegetable. It includes a lot of vitamin A and carotene. So they say it is good for keeping gloss on your skin or it keeps you away from cancer to have some tomatoes and them.

In fact, they have produced the largest quantity of carrots in Hokkaido. It is better to cultivate them in cooler climate.

The best season is September to December. For the time, Hokkaido people produce the largest quantity of carrots. They use the carrots from Furano, Hokkaido, and produce this juice Furano Ninjin 100. Ninjin means a carrot in Japanese.

Talking about the taste of carrots, you will foremost think of the bad smell peculiar to them. Moreover it has no sugar or artificial coloring. Then you might think it tastes greatly bad. But that is a wrong answer. Furano Ninjin 100 tastes sweet and is easy to have.

It is said because they take in the carrots and right away, carry them to a factory in a farm. Then, squeeze fresh carrots.

According to a report by National Institute of Health and Nutrition, carrots are bad for pregnant women. Except expectant or lactating mothers, you had better drink this if you were careful about your health or beauty.

Japan Agricultural Cooperatives in Furano
 Address: 3-1 Asahi-cho, Furano-shi, Hokkaido
 TEL: +81-167-23-3532
 Official Site:JA Furano (Japanese)


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