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Yawaraka Ten-nensui
The Smart Soft Water’s @ Just Internet Stores
Date:23, Mar, 2015
Investigated and Written by Misaka Youhei
About our introductory articles

Yawaraka Ten-nensui

Ca: 0.55 mg  K: 0.19 mg
Mg: 0.15 mg  Na: 0.4 mg
pH: 7.4
Hardness: 19
Price: Open
“Yawaraka Ten-nensui” (means Soft Natural Water) is produced by Kirin Beverage. The soft water wears stylish bottles and is contained within fashionable corrugated cartons.

I know there are some who always have a lot of mineral water bottles at homes or offices as provision for disasters. It is very important, you know. A mountain of corrugated cartons of mineral water looks no good, however.

Some mineral water products from overseas countries look so stylish. When you desire Japanese one like them, you can take “Yawaraka Ten-nensui” whose blue packages give a sparkle to your space.

The water itself gives you nothing conspicuous. In other words, that would go through your mouth so smoothly. Rain and snow fall onto Tsumagoi, Gunma and soak into the land. Then, the watert becomes “Yawaraka Ten-nensui” at its destination. That is correctly one of Japanese natural water.

I am sorry that you come to Japan over a great distance and are unable to get the bottles at any real stores. “Yawaraka Ten-nensui” is only at online shops like Amazon.

Now, would you try to think it over? Paying money, you can get water as much as you want. Buying boxes of mineral water bottles is, however, so hard when you are pregnant or have no cars or are kind of sick, is not it? For buying a box of bottles, it is a correct way to set on internet limitedly.


・Name: Kirin Beverage Company,Limited
・Address: Nakano 4-10-2 Nakano-ku, Tokyo 164-0001, Japan
・Telephone: +81-3-6837-7003
・Established in 1963
・Official Site: http://www.kirin.co.jp/company/english/


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