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A Representative Fizzy Drink of Kirin Beverage
Date:01, Nov, 2012
Investigated and Written by Misaka Youhei
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In 1990s, semi carbonated drinks were in fashion. Having a smaller quantity of carbonic acid gas, they called the drink a semi carbonated drink although any laws never defined in Japan. Anyway it caught on as most of carbonated drinks we found at stores or vending machines changed into semi carbonated drinks.

Well, some might say he liked to have a fizzy drink although he was bad at strong carbonated acid. To them, it would surely be good. It is wonderful for consumers to increase choices.

Volume: 350 ml
Price: Open
Kirin Lemon has stubbornly been just a carbonated drink even when semi carbonated drinks were in fashion. The drink might be a hard-liner. In Japan, it will be so hard to catch Japanese who know nothing about Kirin Lemon, however.

Before World War 2 happened, they developed Kirin Lemon. Since March of 1928, it has been sold surprisingly. This is 85th year! As Kirin Beverage had professed themselves to be Kirin Lemon until they changed their company name in 1991, it has been a representative drink of them.

However, it includes no lemon juice though the name is Kirin Lemon. Using no fruit juice, they use natural perfume collected from rind of lemon. So you drink and then feel refreshing taste of lemon.

Kirin Beverage Corporation established in 1963
 Address: 6-26-1, Jingu-mae, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo
 TEL: +81-3-6734-9310
 Official Site:Kirin Beverage (Japanese)


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