In 1933, Nagabuchi Seika was established in Kurume-shi, Fukuoka. It's Marunaga Seika in the presence. They were originally a Japanese sweets producer, but started to manufacture ice cream in 1960. Population was on the increase at the time and then, companies almost had to take mass production. It was difficult to mass-produce Japanese confectionery, however. So they advanced into the cold confectionery field.
Before getting into the new field, Marunaga had to consider what the cold confectionery produced by nobody but them was. Their conclusion was the cold Japanese sweets. They tried to produce the ice cream loved by not only ice cream fans but also Japanese sweets fans. Through countless difficulties, in 1962, they reached to the answer. It was "Ice Manju" that has been a long-seller over five decades.
Harmony of sweet vanilla and azuki bean paste is the most important in the "Ice Manju." In fact, they faced the greatest difficulty in order to produce the azuki bean paste.
Ice cream must be frozen, naturally. However, it also freezes the azuki bean paste. No good is it. Many trials and errors met them, then. One of the keys is revealed. Increasing the sugar content made the melting point down. That works for keeping the mild touch of the azuki paste although frozen.
They are not a local company because they already have their branches in Osaka, Sendai, Nagoya and Tokyo. But nobody can deny that their beginning point is a Japanese sweets maker. I believe that "Ice Manju" is based on their beginning point doubtlessly and then has been loved by a lot of people beyond generations for a long time.