"Essel Super Cup" is an ice cream series produced by Meiji, a pioneer of ice cream mass production in Japan. In 1921, Okita Saichi who belonged to Kyokuto Ren-nyu used the freezers imported from America and started producing ice cream. That was the beginning of ice cream mass production in Japan. Kyokuto Ren-nyu became Meiji Milk later.
Interested in Meiji even for just a little bit, you must have "Essel Super Cup" which clearly contains their pride as the pioneer.
In fact, Meiji had been in charge of producing Lady Borden ice cream, the high-graded ice cream, in Japan until 1990. "Essel" was out in 1994. It means Meiji already had the know-how of high-quality ice cream when "Essel" was appearing.
Their "Essel" became a huge hit as it sold over a billion copies in the 9 years since the release. You're easy to find the ones in supermarkets, drugstores and convenience stores in Japan now. The hit never happened without their original technology and pride.
Today, the "Essel" has a flavor variety like vanilla, chocolate-chip cookie and green tea. Any kinds of the series make you say tasty!