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Seasoning in Kagoshima
In The Place of Farming & Stock Breeding
Date:09, Aug, 2017
Investigated and Written by Misaka Youhei
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There are a lot of soil that consists of volcanic ash property in the Kyushu southern areas including Kagoshima. So raindrops speedily penetrate into the earth, which makes it difficult to form any water sources like a river. Therefore, it'd been difficult to develop farming there until the modern period.

Then, animal husbandry has developed there, like it also did in Miyazaki. If you were a resident of the Japan main island, you must easily associate black pigs with Kagoshima. Actually, Kagoshima holds the most number of raised pigs in Japan, about over 1,330,000. I don't know the correlation, but Kagoshima also has the most number of Pachinko halls in Japan.

Sakura-jima with Volcanic Fumes

It doesn't mean that there are little of farming in Kagoshima. Satsuma-imo (Sweet Potatoes) and tea are very famous as Kagoshima specialties all over Japan. Moreover, they have farmed the biggest radish in the world; Sakura-jima Radishes. The special radishes are compatible with volcanic ash property. By the way, it is said they also call "Sakura-jima Radish" for making fun of the women with thick legs in Kagoshima.

What kind of seasonings are used in Kagoshima? Just like Miyazaki, it seems they are also fond of sweeter soy-sauce. It is considered they are so because they have farmed Sugarcane; the ingredient of sugar in the southern regions of Kagoshima.

We must not forget salt in Kagoshima. In old times, they had formed salt farms in the southern areas of Kagoshima. Still active in the southern islands like Tokuno-shima, Tanega-shima and Yaku-shima. "Toku no Shio" (Salt of Tokuno-shima) is the fine example.

"Toku no Shio" (Salt of Tokuno-shima)

Kagoshima is the place of farming and animal husbandry. In other words, they can almost keep away from urbanization, perhaps.


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