Saga is a prefecture in Kyushu. According to people living in the place, Saga is inconspicuous just like Fukui and Shimane. Now, let's study the seasonings in Saga!
Yoshinogari Site in Saga
To say geographically, Saga has large paddy fields like the Saga plains. That's almost a temperate region and then, farming has prospered there. Moreover, they've cultivated barley and wheat as their double‐cropping, therefore it's said their utilization rate of arable land is over 100%.
In Saga, in other words, they are very close to the ingredients of soy-sauce and miso.
Actually, they have bought soy-sauce and miso in Saga more than others, according to the 2016 report by Statistic Bureau, Ministry of Internal Affairs & Communications.
The residents are so familiar to soy-sauce and miso that there are a lot of long-established breweries there, like
Maruhide Shoyu since 1901 and
Ide Food.
Shizen 1 soy-sauce by Maruhide Shoyu Inc.
When you visit Saga, by the sight covered with rice fields, you may guess that it looks like the Yayoi period. It doesn't mean making fun of them, but means they have really built a farming region there.