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■ We are pausing for a while.

From Wakayama, the place of umes
Ume no Hatsukoi (First Love of Japanese Apricots)
Wakayama ranked first in the production output of Japanese apricots. Nankou Ume ranks the highest of the Japanese apricots from Wakayama Prefecture. The kind of apricots has originated in Minabe, Hidaka District, Wakayama Prefecture. Many people have been fascinated by the big and juicy pulp.

Ume no Hatsukoi
815 yen
Most people would associate Japanese apricots with ume liquor or dried plums. But it cannot be denied that chances to feel taste of the top grade Japanese apricot decrease for people who dislike sour taste or men weak in alcohol.

This time, then, we introduce ume syrup“Ume no Hatsukoi (First Love of Japanese apricots) ”on Made in Japan ONLY.

Ume no Hatsukoi is syrup made of Japanese apricots. So you can enjoy taste of top grade Japanese apricots, even if you disliked sour taste or alcohol. You can choose how to enjoy it. You can taste it diluted with water, beer or some fizzy drinks.

We would like many people to taste it, especially people that have hardly had taste of Japanese apricots because of various whys.

General Inquiries (Nakano B.C.)
Official Site: Nakano B.C.
Tel: 073-482-1234
Place: 758-45 Fujishiro, Kainan, Wakayama, Japan


The Soft Drink of Hokkaido