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Kinsanji Miso by Yamada
As A Dish, Have the Traditional Miso in Wakayama
Date:16, Feb, 2015
Investigated and Written by Misaka Youhei
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Usually, we Japanese have miso as a seasoning or for making miso soup, you know. Like they used to do so in Edo era, however, you can eat some kinds of miso as a dish. Kinsanji Miso; a traditional one in Wakayama is just it.

What is the difference between that and the usual? Kinsanji Miso is made from Rice, Barley, Soybeans, Gourd, Ginger, and so on. Usual miso does not need vegetables, on the other hand. The most different point is it is used as a dish.

Now, let me recommend you Kinsanji Miso by Yamada that has brewed and produced miso and soy sauce in Wakayama since 1906. They use soybeans (Non-GMO) from Hokkaido, gourds and eggplants from Tokushima, barley from Ehime, beefsteak plants from their homeland; Wakayama. Most of their ingredients are made in Japan, namely.

Kinsanji Miso (300 g) 

Price: 648 JPN (tax in)
Made from Rice, Barley, Soybeans (Non-GMO),
Gourd, Aubergine, Sugar, Salt, Perilla, Ginger, Stevia
Open Date: 90 Days

They say Kinsanji Miso was basically developed by Japanese priests in Kamakura era (1185 - 1333). It is said that they used Kinsanji Miso as a non-perishable for letting them have summer vegetables in winter time. Kinsanji Miso is still there, it means Kinsanji Miso is a historic flavor of the prefecture.

By the way, stevia can be used as a sweetener only in Japan, Taiwan, Brazil, Malaysia and the like. In Europe, the United States, Singapore or so, they are unable to have out of lobbying by the sweeter companies. But they use stevia as a supplement in America, and so it does not harm your health.

No additives like ethanol on their Kinsanji Miso, and then, you had better exhaust within 90 days. That is just traditional miso in Wakayama, which has gone on over 100 years.


・Name: Yamada Inc.
・Foundation: 1906
・Address: Sono 749 Gobou-shi, Wakayama 644-0002 Japan
・TEL: +81-738-22-0401
・Holiday: Sunday


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