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Wallpaper of Tosa Japanese Paper
Healthful Home from Tosa; a Land of Papermaking
Date:25, Jun, 2013
Investigated and Written by Misaka Youhei
About our introductory articles

A Japanese-style Room Using Tosa Japanese Paper

In order to have your houses healthful any time, you have to choose healthful wallpaper since sick house syndrome has recently harmed some of people in advanced nations. Not to suffer from the sickness, we have wallpaper of Tosa Japanese paper.

Sick house syndrome is also known as sick building syndrome in United States of America and United Kingdom. Formaldehyde is used as an organic solvent on furniture and building materials, it damages our bodies deeply. In Japan, they have tried to take some valid measures since 1990s. Many still have to put themselves in danger of the syndrome, however.

We must take away considerable dangers as possible for guarding ourselves. So House System, established in Kagawa, makes a proposal which says you had better use healthful and nature-friendly wallpaper on your rooms. The proposed wallpaper uses Tosa Japanese paper, Tosa washi in Japanese, which has come down in Kouchi.

Since paper was transmitted to Japan, Tosa (Kouchi prefecture) has acted in the forefront of Japanese paper as a land of papermaking. For making Japanese paper, they mainly use three plants; kozoes, mitsumata plants and ganpi. Kouchi produces most of kozoes and mitsumata plants in Japan. They have produced Japanese bills since Meiji era, having mitsumata plants from Kouchi.

It shows strength of Japanese paper enough that a VIP was sniped on the chest but was helped by the wallet full of 10,000 yen bills.

Wallpaper of Tosa Japanese paper works well on air conditioning and as a step to meet UV rays. You can paper in piles and it is so easy for renovation. Before everything, it does not harm your bodies and rooms.

Home is for the inhabitants. So it always has to protect them on health and on environment. Can you find any good whys not to use wallpaper of Tosa Japanese paper on your rooms?

about House System Co., Ltd.

・House System
・Established in 1998
・Head office: 253-14 Kameda-cho, Takamatsu-shi, Kagawa 〒761-0323 Japan
・Tel: +81-87-847-7242
・Official Website: Wallpaper of Tosa Japanese Paper +α (Japanese)


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