■ Your company is employing about 15 persons. Do all of them together discuss about the planning democratically?
T: Not democratic. It is often that I take it into my head to do something and they keep me company.
■ Then, in other words, this brand almost means you…
T: No, let me deny. This company can be standing because of the staff except me, although my self-will is the only authority at decision.

■ I see. If you vanish tomorrow all at once, what will happen to your company?
T: Nothing. Managing a shop and distribution will hardly be influenced at once. However, when they create something new without me, it is going to be completely different from the present statement, I guess.
■ That is a real limited company!
T: Sorry this company does not obtain its continuity. I believe, first of all, the works based on an individual orientation do not need to be succeeded. For example, someone has got influenced by our goods or our way. Then, he builds a new brand or creates something new inspired by us. If it can be, that will be my supreme bliss.
■ Oh! It is very similar to the feelings of makers, I consider. For instance, in traditional art works, a lack of successors is often regarded as a problem. But in some case, the makers do not care although the outsiders make a fuss.
T: Delicately. There are, of course, some who have got popular and no economic problems among the makers. They are the minority, however. I know there are some poor artists who say they never desire their children to succeed although they can create the unique arts. A lack of successors happens from little consume, does not it?
■ I agree. There must be, young and old, people all around the works, if it were profitable. Outfielders often talk irresponsibly.
T: Money is necessary in any fields, anyway. Hearing “Industrial Goods,” you must think of mass-produced products all up to machines, mustn’t you? There are a lot of what’s different. Some of them are produced by fusion of machines and artisans’ technique. It is difficult, therefore, to produce it more than mass production, although they can make more than an individual. We call it “Middle Production.” It needs a lot of expenses by all means and then, becomes expensive. They cannot produce without the expenses, but.

■ So, the responsibility for succeeding culture, half rests with consumers in capitalism. Although some might say “we are freely paying,” the makers also spend money for making something. I think Japanese are mostly indifferent to what their consuming influences.
T: First of all, there are some people who do not care about the idea of the makers at all. There are the certain strata beyond the reach, no matter how desperate we explain and dispatch. No help for it.