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■ We are pausing for a while.

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Sato Takanobu has been in charge of Toji; chief brewer and devoted himself perfectly to the quality control. Toji is the general manager of the brewery. His life and way are being mentioned below.

S: I was born in Iwate, not Fukushima. Since the old time, there have been many people who become sake brewers in the southern area of Iwate. So it was natural for me to be a brewer. I started to work in 1963 and got into the Daishichi Sake Brewery in 1994. Karma is the reason why I came to this brewery, in short. I was raised to the Toji in 1997.

Iwate is home of Nanbu Toji (the biggest Toji group in Japan) and of course, Sato is one of them. However, what does Toji do concretely? Usual people are considered to be difficult to get it easily.

S: In the case of Daishichi, Toji are always on the spot as the manager of the brewing department. Living under the same roof with other brewers, we also train the successors. The five main jobs are mentioned below.

1. Brewing Scheme
Making the one-year plan concretely

2. Daily Brewing Control
Controlling the brewing process during the fermentation initial period

3. Development and Improvement
Concerned with developing something new and improving technique, based on daily study

4. Personnel Management & Training Young Brewers
Personnel management of brewing department & train the young brewers

5. Design & Maintenance on the Brewery
Maintenance of existing facilities and forming necessary plans about new equipment

His explanation shows how responsible Toji is. I would like to dig deeper into the fourth; “Personnel Management & Training Young Brewers.” We cannot be out of time stream. No matter how great Sato is, he is destined to retire someday. The brewing department is going to be at their wits end if they don’t have any next master-hands at the time.


Contains: 500 ml
Made from Rice & Malted Rice
Alcohol: 15
Price: 2,880 JPN (tax in)

S: Great artisans must do clean work. I am coaching how to do so, watching each aptitude. I hope they meekly learn and become able to make the clean work.

I believe it is boorish to dig deeper into the “clean work.” You could get it somehow if you were concerned with craftsmanship. Something beautiful ought to be created beautifully.

Myoka Rangyoku

Contains: 720 ml
Made from Rice & Malted Rice
Alcohol: 16
Price: 15,120 JPN (tax in)

Interview & Text by Misaka Youhei
Photos: Daishichi Sake Brewery

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