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■ We are pausing for a while.

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■ Some of shoe makers long to complete shoemaking alone. However, you have used polyethism?

S: Yes, because it needs a lot of time when you do alone. Moreover, you can’t deal with a large number for improvement. Nothing gets better without numbers of experience. Then, naturally polyethism has been used although Sonomitsu had only me at the earliest time.

■ You mean it is inevitable on bespoke shoemaking as business. Now, I would like you to talk about coming days. Let me hear your view in close future.

S: … Want to do easier LOL.

■ Ha-ha. You have said “Sonomitsu has not come originating from money.” Are you unchangingly trying to fly the flag hereafter?

S: No, no, I will not. I guess I have to win a victory over the public service, thinking it is a kind of business. What is business? That naturally means money making or something. The basis is, I believe, how to give life to people who are concerned with the work.

■ Nobody can keep on making anything without money, because we are not eating the air.

S: Correct. It is no good that we don’t care about the parties concerned at all. My business means how we should go and establish the minimum basis.

■ For persons concerned with Sonomitsu…

S: It includes me. Then, thinking about the basis, I don’t want to lose to the public service, ha-ha. They announce their bonus allowances every summer and winter, and it makes me desire to win. I can’t help thinking they profit more than what they have done. I don’t try to compete with large companies. They have many employees and their dealing amounts are perfectly different from ours, you know.

■ No objections. But you don’t want to lose to local government employee?

S: What we have done is never inferior to what they have done, I believe. Unexpectedly… shoemaking is a wonderful occupation, isn’t it?

Sonoda Hajime
Website: Sonomitsu

2-18-6 Yanaka, Taito-ku, Tokyo 110-0001 JPN
Telephone: +81-3-6904-1312
Close: Wed. Thurs.
■ I know.

S: More than expected. But it doesn’t go with what it becomes at all. Though there are some reasons like no spirits in the whole trade, we don’t have to put the fault on others for winning our ways. My target is them in a sense. I desire to defeat local government officers…well, national public servants. Ha-ha. I don’t mean they have taken the easy course. All workers, including shoe makers, should go through a tough job, however.

■ I see. Let’s call it a day now. Ocean of thanks for this precious interview, sir.

S: Not at all.

Interview and Text by Misaka Youhei

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