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■ We are pausing for a while.

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■ Right, it explains you are a good cobbler. What is difference between good shoe makers and good cobblers, sir?

T: I guess…oh, please wait a while.

A beautiful woman came in.
Soon, an old man dropped in and it discontinued temporarily.

T: Sorry. What was the matter?

■ I am very sorry to bother your business, sir. What do you think about the difference between good shoe makers and good cobblers?

T: In my opinion, good shoes mean the shoes you can wear for a long time although there are countless types. I don’t like the shoes you are not willing to put on, because of the design and so on, after a while.

■ You mean good shoe makers create universal shoes, don’t you?

T: I mean. And about mending, it completely depends on what the customer hopes for. Most of my customers give me a while, saying “I will entrust it to you, and so please cobble firmly.” When you want a quick repair of 10 minutes, this shop is a wrong place. So I would like you to use us for firm shoes.

■ You always give repair of solidity, you know, it is a special feature of British shoes. The lady took a pair of boots from you.

T: Yes she did. She asked for cobbling before her seasonal change of clothing. Another customer asked us to do welting. It cannot be without manual work.

■ In Japan, there are many shops that don’t mend welts.

T: We are a small shop and so we desperately use our hands and heads for our customers.

■ The lady asked you to mend her pair of boots, did not she?

T: Yeah, for adjusting the size.

■ How long did you take for that?

T: She brought us this morning and we had until now, 15:00. Depending on the circumstances, needless to say, it takes a week or so.

■ They looked your regular visitors.

T: Yes. The man has visited with his wife many times. We also deal with shoe care goods like these. And then, they gave us the back order.

■ It sounds like you are a man of all work about shoes.

T: Naturally, I have something I cannot deal with. That a customer comes in and talks about him and the shoes, however, it increases our ideas about the shoes. The opener your mind is, the more we can propose.

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