■ You say it is important to communicate tight. How many people belong to this shop?
T: Now it has Chikuba and me. Sometimes, then, we have to make customers wait for a minute here when it is crowded. That lets us share most of information, however.
■ No communication error?
T: It is very close to zero.
Chikuba Denwygee
■ Then, I also want Chikuba talk. Introduce yourself and tell me why you got to belong to here.
Chikuba Denwygee: Oh, I am Chikuba Denwygee of the Philippines nationality. When I was a child, I came to Japan. I was originally fond of leather shoes and interested in cobbling. I ran in for the cobbling lessons. “Yes” said Takai, and I retired from my past job, and I started to learn and work here in 2013 September.
■ It is the reverse order of Takai who went to U.K. for studying shoe making.
T: Right.
■ How about your real cobbling?
C: I had no idea originally. I have got to see many kinds of shoes, including old shoes they never produce anymore. It becomes a great study cobbling them. All of the examples will be my beautiful seeds of making good shoes in future.
■ Good, thanks. Finally, will you talk about your shoes you wear now?
T & C: Really LOL?
■ What kind of shoes do good cobblers put on?
T: If I have known, I chose different shoes. LOL
C: Never expected, sir.
T: I am brushing a little…
C: We all wear American shoes!
T: Dammit! LOL
■ Now, talk to me, Chikuba.
C: These have slight leather on the sole. You must have felt worried about the studded paving blocks…
T: Never!
C: LOL, never? Now, I mended by myself. I used Ridgeway Sole on the sole. Then, I don’t care about studded paving blocks and rainy days.
T: Today it is so fine!
C: LOL, well, anyway, I like it so much.
■ Thanks. Next, Mr. Takai.
T: It is a pair of shoes by Allen Edmonds, which I happened to take today. The insole is so steady when it has no shanks which mean the backbone of shoes.
■ Your new shoes?
T: No, I got it a long time ago. I truly happened to put on today LOL. As mentioned before, my customers bring us a lot of types of shoes. I really wear and want to get it about shoes made in various countries like the States, Italy, Nippon, and so on, not only United Kingdom.

Interview and Text by Misaka Youhei