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■ We are pausing for a while.

Wine Shop Director

Yoshida Masakiko

< 31, Dec, 2016 >

Near the Ohmiya Station in Kyoto, there's "Wine Glossary" a wine shop of established reputation. The shop was established in 1877. They changed into a wine shop 40 years ago though they had handled food products until the time.

You hear "Japan-made wine" and must think it is kind of an imitation. However, You don't need to bring up convenience stores to show we Japanese have developed many kinds from other countries and established unique culture. How about Japan-made wine?

■ This is my first visit. Wouldn't you tell me how many wines you deal with usually?

Yoshida Masakiko: About 4,000. We are, needless to say, handling not just Japan-made wines however also the ones produced in European countries, North and South America, and Australia. There are also sparkling wines including champagne.

■ Taking a look inside the shop makes me afraid of walking around because I am ill‐mannered. What can make you take the measure of good ones?

Y: Nothing but real study. Day by day, we learn so hard about wine, like checking the weather and soil of the production districts, joining the seminars the producers hold, and keeping on sampling.

■ It sounds endless.

Y: Getting a sommelier's license means toeing the line among us. You should not work with us when you can give no answers to our customers' questions about wine. You must take time to be permitted to wait on customers, therefore, after you join us. We have about 18 workers now. Most of them have got the license. Those who haven't got should study until having a right.

One of them has independently opened a wine bar and another made a job-change to restaurants. We are glad because it means an increase of the customers. One of the ex-workers went back to Nagano for becoming a wine producer. I'm so very excited at those actions! We are happy it grew them up to have worked with us here. Of course, I'd like to treasure those who work with us today more than anybody.

■ We can buy a wine at supermarkets and convenience stores now. What's the meaning of getting one from you "Wine Glossary?"

Yoshida Masakiko

In 1975 Kyoto, born as a
daughter of the Yoshidas who
managed their wine shop "Wine Glossary."
Entered the "Wine Glossary" in 1998.
Became the director in 2013.

Y: Our customers often say they hardly got a disappointment from us. You cannot find your favorite one without actual tasting. However, you'd like to drink tasty one as possible, wouldn't you? So it is important to have the wine shop you can trust. That makes your probability of meeting delicious wine higher.

We always ask our customers a favor of finding the standard. You raise a concrete wine name and tell us how it tasted, which becomes consultation for our recommendation. That's the shortest way for meeting your favorite one. It makes us happiest to hear you say you met your favorite wine by our recommendation.

■ You help us to meet the best one. Now, let me hear your story about Japan-made wines?

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