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Sugimoto's Chinese Kitchen Knives
No. 1 of Chinese Knives is from Tsukiji
Date:18, Jan, 2016
Investigated and Written by Misaka Youhei
About our introductory articles

Tsukiji, originally means reclaimed ground in old Japanese, is well-known for the largest shopping precinct (market) in Japan. There is a lot of food like fishes, vegetables and so on. So we can say you visit Tsukiji and then, know what is truly delicious in Nippon.

Sugimoto Cutlery has run and managed with several kinds of knives there since 1830s. That was established by a blacksmith, and has continuously supplied swords and knives in Tokyo. Above all their products, like said “The Chinese chefs are bogus if they had no idea about Sugimoto,” the Chinese kitchen knives are fondly used at many Chinese restaurants all over Japan, not only Tokyo.

Sugimoto Volume 1
For Vegetable & Meat

Number: 4001
Blade Length: 220 x 95 mm
Price: 32,300 JPN (tax in)

Now, let me explain what Chinese kitchen knives are. They are the knives for cooking Chinese food, looking fat and brazen-faced just like China itself. However, it is actually rich of rationality as heaviness of the blade helps you cut materials without extra power on your hands. Then, you cut something and heat at uniformity. In Chinese food, any materials are heated. So that is extremely an important point.

Theirs are forged with pure steel and so easy to become rusty. Don’t be afraid, but you have to wash away politely after cooking and must wipe moisture out with some dried towel. You need moderate manners for using the wonderful tools, it means.

Sugimoto Chopper Knife
For Cutting Bones

Number: 4031
Blade Length: 195 x 115 mm
Price: 22,600 JPN (tax in)

Sugimoto has held taste of the old blades which cut down very sharply, and their Chinese kitchen knives are just like a subpoena for the bygone ones. Therefore, they are so much loved for a long time. Do not miss it when you cook Chinese food.

Sugimoto Cutlery (Japanese)


Fine Premier Excellent
The Highest Ceramic Knife Of Kyocera

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