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A Great Movie to Tell Our Unversal Multiplicity
Date:16, Jun, 2012
Investigated and Written by Misaka Youhei
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Telling truth is just making your enemies.

That exactly means how important lies are in our daily lives. We are always alive with lying, also it can be said.

Directed by Kurosawa Akira
Written by Kurosawa Akira,
Hashimoto Shinobu
Cast: Mifune Toshiro & more
Running Time:88 min.

There are many inducements to lie in the world. For protecting yourself or your treasures, for your benefit, for making your relations smooth, lies are often used. Lies mean not just saying some false things but also willful hiding facts. We are here with lies.

A masterpiece monochrome film featuring such our nature is Rashomon directed by Kurosawa Akira and released in 1950.

In Heian period, a samurai died mysteriously. And with some eyewitness evidences, the mystery was tried to solve. The circumstances are told by a menial at Rashomon. As you would probably fluster after watching just once, a fact is depicted in multi viewpoints and they include some lies. Difference of their contents would let you say it is incomprehensible.

What is value of told truth? Can’t trust be without doubt? Though the story is in Heian Era, its theme can be universal and can still appeal to our life effectively even now.

Kurosawa Akira, a late great director of Japanese films, hated any compromise on directing a film. Then any actions, sceneries and construction on Rashomon are different from those on recent movies and very flavorful. Anyway, that is certain to be an undying masterpiece film to let us know multiplicity and inner workings in our world with prime techniques.


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