Kamen Rider ZO
Shows the Peak and the Origin of Kamen Rider
“Kamen Rider ZO” is a Japanese tokusatsu film released in 1993 spring, which celebrated the twentieth anniversary of Kamen Rider in the twenty second year. The original writer Ishinomori Shotaro said “Z means Ultimate, and O does Origin.”
A silent guy Aso Masaru was the lab assistant of a geneticist Doctor Mochizuki, and was used as one of his experiments connected to the creation of the Neo Organism. So he can change into Kamen Rider ZO. On the other hand, Dr. Mochizuki got to make the perfect creature Doras. The mad scientist let the creature have no feelings. Then, Doras longed for the sensation and attacked the Mochizukies. Aso Masari tried to stop the violent actions…
As mentioned above, the movie was created as a restart of Kamen Rider and as the top. Oh, well, in the film, you can find something different from the first series that was on air in 1971.
Above everything, they described the enemies so realistic. Doras and his two children look bloodcurdling so much. For example, Kumo-onna, means Spider Woman in English, was described only by freeze frame and physical effects. That would not have been realized in 1970s. Namely, “Kamen Rider ZO” rightly shows us the ideal form of the monsters. But Doras speaks in his cute voice.
It is not difficult to imagine the high quality was developed by spirit of the crews. They say Amemiya was originally fond of the Kamen Rider series, and directed the anniversary movie. Watching will let you know how great his inner motivation was. Karma made up the ultimate rider.
about Kamen Rider ZO
・Directed by Amemiya Keita
・Written by Sugiyama Noboru
・Originally Written by Ishinomori Shotaro
・Shot by Matsumura Fumio
・Distributed by Toei
・Released on April 17th, 1993
・Running Time: 48 minutes
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