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Ghibli Meets Jazz
Indeed, That's Tateishi's Jazz, but...
Date:12, May, 2017
Investigated and Written by Misaka Youhei
About our introductory articles

Jazz music is often called "music of night." However, "Ghibli Meets Jazz" series by Tateishi Kazumi Trio are clearly "music of daytime." And it's also jazz of Tateishi Kazumi after all.

It's quietly difficult to give a district definition of music of daytime, because that is almost meant by something sensuous. There is no help for it, therefore, when you say you can't get it right. In rock music, stadium rock is guessed to be closer to "music of daytime" than live house rock.

~Beautiful Songs~
"We have produced anime movies for children all the time" said Miyazaki Hayao, a representative director of Studio Ghibli. Well, it means the Ghibli anime songs Tateishi Trio covered were originally made for children. The jazz children can enjoy. That's nothing but music of daytime, you know.

Actually, it's said children paraded to the music when Tateishi Trio played some songs at a shopping center. Moreover, they say that the sales got up because their live performance on the radio wave had been well-received. I see.

Played the CD. Listened to beautiful melodies and mature plays. The trio consists of Tateishi Kazumi on piano, Sato Shinobu on bass and Suzuki Mao on drums. They insist each other, but nobody boldly modifies the original songs. It means they keep hospitality for those who don't know about Ghibli films at all, since you can enjoy the songs themselves even if you were unfamiliar with the movies. My opinion says "いのちの名前" is so nice.

~Memorable Songs~
Some may take a dim view on the two albums, saying the songs include no originality. I don't deny. But Tateishi became a musician because of his crazy love for movie soundtrack songs. It must be a folly for him to modify the original songs extremely just for showing his originality. In the sense, the jazz of Tateishi can be found at the two albums. There is no accounting for tastes, of course.

My impression says, however, it includes too much a disc. I got tired on the way. I wish he could have planned more politely.

GHIBLI meets JAZZ ~Beautiful Songs~

Released on Jul. 14, 2010

Victor Entertainment
GHIBLI meets JAZZ ~Memorable Songs~

Released on Jul. 13, 2011

Victor Entertainment
1. いつも何度でも「千と千尋の神隠し」より
2. となりのトトロ「となりのトトロ」より
3. 崖の上のポニョ「崖の上のポニョ」より
4. Arrietty's Song
5. 海の見える街「魔女の宅急便」より
6. さくらんぼの実る頃「紅の豚」より
7. アシタカとサン「もののけ姫」より
8. 君をのせて「天空の城ラピュタ」より
9. 風の通り道「となりのトトロ」より
10. ナウシカ・レクイエム
11. 風の伝説「風の谷のナウシカ」より
12. 帰らざる日々「紅の豚」より
13. カントリー・ロード「耳をすませば」より
14. 愛は花、君はその種子
15. テルーの唄「ゲド戦記」より
-bonas track-
16. さくらんぼの実る頃(レトロバージョン)
1. 旅立ち 「魔女の宅急便」より
2. 晴れた日に… 「魔女の宅急便」より
3. いのちの名前 「千と千尋の神隠し」より
4. 時には昔の話を 「紅の豚」より
5. さんぽ 「となりのトトロ」より
6. 風の谷のナウシカ 「風の谷のナウシカ」より
7. もののけ姫 「もののけ姫」より
8. 人生のメリーゴ-ランド
9. 時の歌 「ゲド戦記」
10. やさしさに包まれたなら
11. ふたたび 「千と千尋の神隠し」より
12. ねこバス 「となりのトトロ」より
13. 世界の約束 「ハウルの動く城」より
14. 丘の町~バロンのうた 「耳をすませば」より
-bonus track-
15. ミミちゃんとパンダコパンダ
16. はにゅうの宿 「火垂るの墓」より


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