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Authele Oasis Shampoo
Ultimate Kindness to Hairs and Heads
Date:27, May, 2012
Investigated and Written by Misaka Youhei
About our introductory articles

Well, how much do you usually spend for a shampoo? That would be down to men or women, workers or not. We, however, suppose most of Japanese people pay from 500 to 3,000 yen.

Authele Oasis Shampoo
The negative aspect of this shampoo is exactly the price. The product value is very high. But it is not in vain. High quality can surely be felt by using the shampoo, Authele Oasis Shampoo.

Not containing any preservatives, composed perfume and the like, Oasis Shampoo consists just of naturally-derived ingredients. That has tenderness to most kinds of people and its detergency and moisturizing capacity is quite great.

Authele also manages a beauty salon in Fukuoka city, Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan. And then they have produced the Oasis shampoo for responding needs of customers and for needing a trustful shampoo themselves.

Surprisingly in seeing the ingredients, they first put Bamboos’ mineral water though mostly Water is expressed first. Other well-selected ingredients are arranged, so please try the shampoo once when you are in trouble of hair or head skins.

Containing 400 ml and it costs 4,830 yen.

Consist of:
Bamboos’ mineral water, Cocoil Methyl Alanine and more details are here (Japanese).


S.K. Shittori Soap Shampoo
A Shampoo Good to the Nature