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Eaton Pencils
The Long Seller Pencils by Ginza Ito-Ya
Date:13, Apr, 2012
Investigated and Written by Misaka Youhei
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In Japan, it is guessed that everybody has been similar with pencils since each childhood. They say Tokugawa Ieyasu, a popular general in the age of civil wars, is the first person to use pencils in Japan. However, even children have pencils now.

Eaton Pencil white
Official Site:Ginza Ito-Ya (Japanese)
Among various types of pencils, the most convenient is the pencil with an eraser tip. Most Japanese people seem to have had and written.

To true sorrow, most of the eraser tips are of bad quality and hard to erase. Moreover, paper gets dirty. And most of the pencils cannot be stylish in design. So there is no reason to feel fine in using.

Easton Pencils by Ginza Ito-Ya are not such useless pens. Ginza Ito-Ya is a long-established stationery company in Ginza, Tokyo, Japan and Eaton Pencils have been sold since 1985. First of all, it is very simple and good in design.

They have beautifully integrated pencils and erasers in design. Too integrated to recognize it is a pencil with an eraser tip when the pencil is seen for the first time. The eraser can erase so clearly, of course.

On the body, they have used incense cedar of the highest quality. Very good is the touch of grasping and of writing. Eaton Pencils can take an active part in business work, let alone in studying.


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