Shabondama Additive-free Soap Shampoo
The Shampoo of True Safety
Well, we have already introduced two shampoos without any additives. To begin with, what company held up Additive-free in Japan? That is Shabondama Soap’s Company established in Kyushu about 100 years ago.
Since 1974, they have manufactured and sold additive-free soap. The company has solidly carried through their policy to make and sell just safe products.
Shabondama Additive-free Soap Shampoo
520ml 997 Yen (tax in.)
And they have newly developed Shabondama Additive-free Soap Shampoo since August in 2011. No perfumes, antioxidant, silicon and other extra additive are used. Just water and potash soap, which are very kind to skin, are included. That is a truly safe shampoo.
As Shabondama Soap’s Company says it is more important what the principal ingredients are than whether additive-free or not, you can see how they are safe because drinking a lot of water saves him even if he makes accidental ingestion.
Some might say that soap is alkaline in the first place, isn’t it bad to skin which weak acidity is good to? Well, sure. But they say hair naturally turns it back to weak acidity itself. Dedicated rinse by that company is properly ready then, no need to worry hair some creaks with only soap shampoos.
By the way, they have also produced additive-free products with effective microorganisms, which develop biological purification. Its line-up enriches.
Consist of :
Water, Potash soap groundwork
Mutenka Jidai Hair Shampoo
A Good Shampoo Suiting All Tastes
Pax Naturon Shampoo
For Enjoyers in Perfume of Shampoos