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The Plastic Umbrella for Campaign Speech
Date:05, Jul, 2016
Investigated and Written by Misaka Youhei
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The 24th regular election of members of the House of Councillors is going to be held on 10 July. For being elected as 121 of the 242 members, all the parties are striving in this hot season.

Well, do you know the plastic umbrella which candidates love to use during the campaign activities? That is “Shinkateru” produced by White Rose, a company that firstly created plastic umbrellas in Japan. In other words, “plastic umbrellas” were born in Japan!

"Shinkateru Classic"

Diameter: 110 cm
Length (Closed): 87 cm
Weight: 525 g
Price: 6,000 YEN + tax

You may consider like this. “Why do they need special plastic umbrellas for Campaign Speech? They should use usual ones lying in convenience stores! Waste of taxes is not exterminated because such spenders all stand!” Indeed, those sold in convenience stores are today solid and tough enough out of the evolution, and so will work for keeping from the rain.

So what is unique on “Shinkateru?” I declare it must be the non-slippery handles and their original check-valves.

Non-slippery handles are made from fake bamboos and then, fit your hands so tight. Slipping is a sign of bad fortune during tests or campaign activities in Nippon.

Their original check-valves mean the specially treated holes on their umbrellas. The hole cannot be opened by an impact from above like raindrops and snow, though can be open by an impact from below like a blast of wind for letting it away. They often speak on the car during the campaign activities. So the umbrellas can guard them from a gust of wind which comes from below. .

In reality, the issue of election is decided by a scale of the support group, public promise and their past records. Umbrellas never call victory. However, those correctly work for their ease at activities.

White Rose Official Website (Japanese)


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